📄️ API
API reference for available methods.
📄️ arrayRemoveItem
Removes provided element from an array.
📄️ arrayToString
Convert an array to a string and combine on the delimiter passed.
📄️ browserDetect
Detects browser being used.
📄️ colorBrightness
Brightens or darkens a HEX color based on the amount specified. Behaves like the SASS lighen and darken.
📄️ guid
Generates a GUID.
📄️ invertColor
Inverts a HEX color.
📄️ randomPastelColor
Get a random pastel color.
📄️ readableBytes
Converts a number of bytes to a human readable file size.
📄️ slugify
Converts a string into a slug for URL usage.
📄️ storageClear
Removes all data stored in the local storage.
📄️ storageGet
Retrieves data from the local storage.
📄️ storageRemove
Removes an entry from the local storage.
📄️ storageSet
Stores data to the local storage.
📄️ stringToArray
Splits a string to an array based on the delimiter passed.
📄️ toBoolean
Converts any value to a Boolean equivalent.
📄️ toSentenceCase
Converts a string to Sentence case.
📄️ toTitleCase
Converts a string to a Title Case.